Health & Wellness

Health and Wellness Overview

Wellness is a balanced state of emotional, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual well-being that enables students to reach their full potential in the school community and beyond. Personal wellness occurs with commitment to lifestyle choices based on healthy attitudes and actions.

At Khalsa School Calgary we aim to enable students to pursue excellence by developing behaviours that contribute to the well-being of self and others. Our vision is for students to be educated, informed and contributing members of society and to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be well in every sense of the word—emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially and spiritually.

Physical Education

The aim of the Khalsa School Calgary physical education program is to enable individuals to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to lead an active, healthy lifestyle.  Khalsa School Calgary focuses on children and their ability to achieve their individual potential, creating a positive future for them, as well as enhancing their quality of life.  Physical activity is vital to all aspects of normal growth and development, and the benefits are widely recognized.  Khalsa School Calgary, in partnership with the parents, aims to be prime facilitators in providing opportunities for the development of the desire for lifelong participation in physical activity.


At Khalsa School Calgary, we will provide opportunities for our students to be exposed to competitive sports.  Through participation, they will build the character required to become better leaders in their community.  Through a dedication to hard work, a commitment to the team, and a quest for personal excellence, we will see our athletes grow in their abilities and character both on and off the athletic field.


Khalsa School Calgary strives to provide a variety of opportunities that contribute to and promote physical, emotional and social wellness. We are dedicated to making Intramural Sports a part of school life. Our goal is to continuously create and provide a safe and enjoyable atmosphere that encourages civility, teamwork and leadership development while creating a lifelong pattern of positive recreational activity regardless of physical ability.

Healthy Heroes

The Healthy Heroes are made up of student volunteers who are passionate about bringing health and wellness to their fellow students. The Healthy Heroes meet once a month and plan a healthy initiative. Volunteers are often part of class-to-class demonstrations about healthy food alternatives, and total school initiatives such as Salad Day and Water Challenge. The Healthy Heroes are doing their part to bring education and opportunity around health and wellness.